Yakuza0 How to Beat Ogita on Easy
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Cute.Turn on Game Mode on your TV if you haven't?
I do a dance move to jump up 800 points and he jumps ahead by 1000. The AI cheats

- #4
While you do need to rack up some extra points this way to win, take it at a slower pace you can actually handle so your accuracy doesnt suffer. You dont needa be perfect to win.

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Become one with the groove.

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I believe in you.

- #14
Become one with the groove.
This is the correct answer!

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I don't know why but SEGA actually screwed the PC players with the arcade games. Space Harrier you get two less lives.. and no autoshoot

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There's a Mahjong Substory? I suck at that game
Mahjong's in there but I wouldn't worry about it unless you're a completionist.

- #24
I remember the shitty d-pad on the 360 controller made this very difficult for me. Then I gave it a try on a controller with a much better d-pad and I was able to ace all the dance-offs. It literally changed my opinion from hating the activity to occasionally playing it for fun.Mahjong's in there but I wouldn't worry about it unless you're a completionist.
I try to do all the sub stories at least… with the exception of Yakuza 3 because of how repetitive getting them all is and because I couldn't change from day to night in the final chapter meant that getting the ones I missed was impossible.

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- #26
It's my favorite of the ones I have playedIs this the best Yakuza game?

- #27
I think it's just random how well the other person does. I remember having to do it a few different times and then suddenly one time I did it because he didnt get as many points on that run.
Yup, there's some RNG here that occasionally benefits you. My advice is just to keep at it, and prioritize accuracy over trying to cram in as many steps as you can between symbols. You can always figure out better paths with more steps once you've got the rhythm down. From what I remember, fever is also a big boost, so take advantage of it as often as you can.

- #28
Keep at it.. I also still need to complete that substory.. as well,I don't know why but SEGA actually screwed the PC players with the arcade games. Space Harrier you get two less lives.. and no autoshoot
So i just started up the game and guess what? Got it in three tries! Substory 30 has been conquered!

- #29
Choose easy, try to not miss too many steps and never go into fever mode. Every five rounds or so he will drop some points. For someone like me who is really bad at rhythm games that's the only chance.

It's pronounced 'Vice'
- #30
I think you just lose that one no matter what.Is this the one against the MJ clone? I gave up

- #31
Also shit Friday Night is such a banger what the fuck

- #32
I won't spoil it but I remember there being a very satisfying dialogue option to pick from after I completed it.

- #33
There's a Mahjong Substory? I suck at that game
Easiest way to win at Mahjong is to just use a cheat item to insta-win with your opening hand. That's what I did in Yakuza 2 Kiwami.There was a substory that I skipped that involved winning at Mahjong , I just couldn't take the time to learn the game.

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I found a mini car race thing before putting it down so I assume I'll be racing soon too.

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Is this the best Yakuza game?

- #39
Easiest way to win at Mahjong is to just use a cheat item to insta-win with your opening hand. That's what I did in Yakuza 2 Kiwami.
No mahjong cheat items in 0.

- #40
That's pretty cruel.No mahjong cheat items in 0.

- #41
It's the only one I've played (besides Judgment) and I absolutely adored it.Is this the best Yakuza game?
On topic: I think the only dance off you can't win is the one against Miracle Johnson.

- #42
This task is super hard but doable

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There's still a RNG factor, but it should be easier.

- #45
Going to finally have to learn how to play Mahjong to get that friend in Judgement smh
I did that without learning Mahjong by just using the cheat item. Was easy.

God help us the mods are making weekend threads
- #46
Just remember:![]()

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As for Ogita's dancing. I didn't really see the luck angle, just a case of getting in as many steps as possible and playing as perfectly as possible, while using your power up move at the right time to net as many points as possible. I've 100%ed 0 twice, and both times this worked out for me. Knowing the song your playing helps loads as well, just knowing the rhythm and timing of the song helped me improve my combo quite a bit.

- #50
Outrun is cool, I enjoyed playing it. Space Harrier is trash tho. I did the 5 million points in 0 but I'm not touching that arcade in any other Yakuza game.Wow, I got a score of 498743 in Outrun.. just shy of the expected 500k. Ugh these arcades man.
Source: https://www.resetera.com/threads/substory-30-in-yakuza-0-is-impossible.466653/
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